March 1st:
Food Truck at the Clubhouse
Amp’s Rib Hut (4:30 pm)
Cash Bingo
Doors open at 6:30 pm
Balls drop at 7:00 pm
Space is limited
Register at
Current POA cards must be shown in order to attend this event
March 5th:
Rec Meeting
Time: 7 pm
Place: Clubhouse
March 9th:
Paint and Sip
Time: 2-5 pm
Fee: $30 members, $45 non members
Bring your own wine to sip (No GLASS bottles allowed)
Call the POA office to sign up
Space is limited
Deadline to sign up is March 7th
Current POA cards must be shown in order to attend this event
March 15th:
Family Karaoke (last one until September)
Time: 7 -10 pm
Snacks provided, BYOB (No GLASS bottles allowed)
No fee, space is limited
Current POA cards must be shown in order to attend this event
March 16th:
Grill Night
Time: 6 pm, doors open at 5:30 pm
$5 member, $7.50 non members
Bring your own steak, chicken, burgers, etc to grill on the grills at the clubhouse.
Please bring your own dinner plate and utensils.
Appetizers, baked potato or baked sweet potato, salad (we’ll provide the salad bowl) and toppings will be served
If you would like to bring a dessert to share, you can! BYOB!
Call POA office to register, space is limited
Deadline to register: March 14th
Current POA cards must be shown in order to attend this event
March 30th:
Live Music with Sagamore Band
Time: 6 – 9 pm
Plays classic rock music
Clubhouse patio
No fee
March 31st:
Easter Egg Hunt
Time: 2:00 pm
Outside the clubhouse
Easter Bunny will be in attendance to take pictures with the kids
Bring your own Easter basket
Easter craft in the clubhouse after the Egg Hunt
Save the Date
April 2nd: Rec Meeting
April 5th: Cash Bingo
April 13th: Family Bingo
*more info to come
April 14th: Team Puzzlepalooza
*more info to come
April 20th: Grill Night
April 27th: Live Music
*more info to come
May 4th: Commons Yard Sale
**Start spring cleaning**
*more info to come
Interested in volunteering at an event? Does your high schooler need volunteer hours?
Please send an email to:
Any questions, email:
Follow on Facebook: Lake Royale Events and Activities
Event dates are on the LRPOA community website calendar (